
How to wear a classic striped top

How to wear a classic striped top



How to wear a classic striped top

Make this French classic fresh again with a few of our favourite inspiring styles.

French-girl fashion is a favourite among editors, celebrities and bloggers for a reason. It's seen as effortless and chic—forget body con dresses and over-the-top ensembles. And at the centre of that wardrobe is the Breton stripe shirt. It's a simple staple that you can buy in an array of fits and colours—and it goes with pretty much anything. But, if you've fallen into a fashion rut and need to find a way to make that striped top exciting again, we've got some suggestions.

Denim on denim gets a fun update when you add a striped shirt to the mix.

Afraid of mixing patterns? A striped shirt acts as a neutral offering up balance to almost any other pattern.

While striped shirts tend to be boyish and laid back, try pairing yours with feminine touches like heels and the colour pink for a girlier take.

Is there anything better than jeans, a striped shirt and a blazer? Maybe only if you add leopard print.

This black, white and red look is graphic and chic thanks to the play between a black and white breton stripe and a bold coat.

Sometimes you need a simple outfit so you can add one amazing piece to spice it up. Case in point? The simplicity of trousers, a striped shirt and black boots is made special thanks to a fauz fur coat.

Keep is casual with tailored trousers and Converse sneakers.

Yes, your striped shirt can even fit into your athleisure wardrobe too. Just add casual joggers and running shoes.

Feeling bold? Striped on stripes is an out-there look, but it works here thanks to a little colour play.

Stick to a neutral palette by pairing your striped shirt with black jeans and white footwear—we especially love the turtleneck on this option.

Make any slip dress daytime-appropriate by layering it over a striped shirt and pairing it with sneakers.

Keep it simple—a striped shirt and a blazer is a no-fail outfit.





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How to wear a classic striped top
